Can a Poodle be a Police Dog: Facts Revealed

Dogs love to work. It’s in their DNA as domestic companions for humanity. The need to be useful to their ‘pack’ has never been bred out of canines, and some do more than help hunters or strike poses on Instagram. As first responders, some pups make outstanding rescue workers while others help the police find guns, drugs, and even dead bodies, but it’s not a job for every dog. Can a poodle be a police officer? I came across a story recently that led me to wonder whether these posh, fluffy companion pups could be more than pretty faces. What I learned was intriguing.

Can a poodle be a police dog? A poodle can be a police dog. They are not on the approved breed list in the USA. Police dogs are a vital part of law enforcement all over the world and Poodles can become officers in many places.  

Places where Poodles can become Police dogs:

  1. Cheshire Police allow Standard Poodles on the Force.
  2. North Wales uses Poodles for their excellent brains and noses.
  3. A toy Poodle recently joined the Japanese Police force and is doing a fantastic job.
  4. Some countries don’t restrict Police dog breeds at all.

Poodles Can Help With Police PR

Poodle naysayers would tell you that they don’t look intimidating enough to be police dogs. However, considering how often the police forces have been under fire for being ‘too militant’ in appearance, a little bit of curly-haired sweetness just might help.

Who says a police officer can’t spend serious time on grooming and have great style? Plus, looks do not make the dog. Whether crooks think the dog is too cute for the job or not, that doesn’t change their speed or training.

While it’s easy to see why regular citizens might find police militarization alarming, public image is always dicey. If law enforcement is ‘too soft,’ then the crooks they catch won’t respect the badge. However, when it comes to dogs, there are very few people who don’t respond to a growl and show of teeth.

Even tiny dogs like chihuahuas can be a menace. Realistically, a full-sized Poodle might look a little sweeter at rest, but that doesn’t make them any less effective when it comes time to take a bite out of crime.  After all, standard poodles are not small dogs.

Poodles Can be Police Trackers

When you think of police tracking dogs, Poodles may not be the breed that comes to mind, but they make outstanding trackers. You probably imagine a German Shepherd or even a Bloodhound doing this job. However, those aren’t the only breeds who have the necessary skills.

Like most dogs, poodles have an outstanding sense of smell. According to Versatility In Poodles, teaching a poodle to be a tracker is easy enough, and it helps build confidence in the dogs as well. These pups are far more than pretty faces in fancy collars. Poodles love nose games and can efficiently track over a variety of terrains.

Applying their natural talent to trail criminals who are on the run is just one use for a poodle’s incredible nose. They can pick up a scent as well as any dog and better than some. Using a poodle to find hidden drugs, bombs, or weapons is a highly effective use of their talents.

Whether you’re a law enforcement officer or not, you can train your Poodle to do all sorts of amazing things. Try starting them off with a set of Lord Anson Trade; Dog Agility Hurdle Cones from Amazon, and get them started on the road to better training and agility no matter what they do to earn their kibble. You can check out prices and availability by clicking here

Poodles Not Among US Approved Police Dog Breeds

Unfortunately for poodle lovers and their trainers, these talented pooches are not among the approved breeds for police work in the USA. They tend to have high social needs and attention spans that are a little bit shorter than the ideal. Hence, poodles are working police pooches in some countries like Japan, but not here.

Approved Police Dog Breeds

There are five commonly approved dog breeds for police officers, and though poodles didn’t make the list, at least one of the others is a surprise. The first four are pretty much what you’d expect. However, the final breed is almost as posh looking as a poodle. I’ll walk you through the US police dog breeds.

  • Belgian Malinois- Often mistaken for their German Shepherd cousins, the Belgian Malinois is also called the Belgian Shepherd Dog. This highly obedient breed is most often used to sniff out narcotics and other dangerous substances.
  • Dutch Shepherd- Unlike the other Shepherds on this list, the Dutch Shepherd, from Holland, has a brindled look to its coat. They are outstanding herding dogs, and do well at both suspect apprehension and sniffing out trouble.
  • German Shepherd- When most people think of ‘police dogs,’ the first image that comes to mind is this German breed. Officers prefer them because they’re bright and incredibly loyal dogs who are easy to teach.
  • Labrador Retriever- Retrievers are known for having big brains and huge hearts. Their sweet, even temperament makes them outstanding detectives, but they aren’t used to apprehend suspects.
  • Giant Schnauzer- It might surprise you to see a Schnauzer on this list. The trademark whiskery faces and slightly curly fur, but these Bavarian pups have always helped guard things. From farmers’ livestock and land in the 17th century to safeguarding businesses and homes in cities, the Giant Schnauzer was literally bred to serve and protect.

These aren’t the only dogs who work with law enforcement, but they are the most common. Other breeds that have been used successfully to aid officers include the following:

Common Police Dogs-

Both Poodles make great Police. Yet, they aren’t alone in their duties. Quite a few breeds of dog have been added to the proud ranks of law enforcement. These are the most common:

  1. Airedale Terrier
  2. Akita
  3. Belgian Tervuren
  4. Bloodhound
  5. Bouvier des Flandres
  6. Boxer
  7. Collie
  8. Doberman Pinscher
  9. Indian Pariah Dog
  10. Rottweiler
  11. Standard and Toy Poodles
  12. Weimaraner

You may have noticed that poodles are on the list. Just because we don’t use them here in the US, doesn’t mean they aren’t already doing good work as police overseas.

One Special Law Enforcement Poodle

In 2009, Reggie, a Poodle, became a law enforcement dog, though not quite in the way you might expect. As born and bred companion dogs, Poodles are fantastic emotional support. The Sacramento DA took this to heart and hired Reggie to help comfort distressed victims of crime.

Dogs like Reggie love and crave attention, and they’re highly alert when it comes to the moods of people around them. Serving his community in a different capacity was the perfect job for this sweet-natured Poodle.

Sure, it’s not the same as chasing down murderers, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t still helping law enforcement. Calmer people can explain what happened more easily. With better details, the DA can help bust those bad guys more efficiently.


Why Poodles Should Be Police Dogs

Most people don’t see Poodles as police dogs but, when you look at a poodle, what do you see? How much do you know about these curly-haired pups? They look great in a bow and rhinestone-studded collar for sure. People give them ridiculous haircuts. Do you know anything else about the breed?

As smart, long-lived, highly teachable, and intensely loyal dogs go, you can get all that and more from a Poodle. Not only are Poodles incredible, faithful companions to their human partners, but they are a lot more capable than those pretty faces might lead you to believe.

Poodle Lifespan

A longer lifespan means more healthy working years for Poodles as police. Normal dogs live ten to thirteen years, but standard poodles are at the top end of that life expectancy. Meanwhile, the smaller poodles can live fourteen years or more.

Like any other officer, human, dog, or horse, Poodles deserve an honorable retirement while they’re still young enough to enjoy themselves. However, a long and distinguished career is also essential for K-9 officers. Dogs can do things humans simply cannot, and we need them to help keep drugs off the streets and bombs and guns out of terrorist hands.

The Brains of the Operation

Poodles are smart dogs, and police officers (even canine ones) need brains. I’m not just saying that arbitrarily because I love their fuzzy faces. This particular breed is widely believed to be the second smartest of all dogs, right behind the Golden Retrievers. Shelties come in third place, but this isn’t about them.

How smart an animal is directly correlated to how much it can learn. A not-so-bright pooch can probably still sit and roll over, but when it comes time to stop on a dime, they might not listen so well. Teachability is an essential factor when choosing police dogs.

The same thing that makes Poodles so social and so easily bored is what gives the advantage here. A great big brain needs stimulation, and being a police officer is undoubtedly stimulating work. Keeping a Poodle busy isn’t even a challenge when there’s so much to be done fighting crime.

Less Mess Means More Crimes Getting Solved

Contaminating a crime scene can cause problems in court, and Poodle police officers are less likely to leave their hair lying around. It’s often said that poodles don’t shed. While that’s not true, they don’t shed the way most dogs do; they do lose hairs.

Poodles have hair instead of fur, which means it’s always growing. Moreover, poodle hair is curly. That means the hair tends to remain trapped even when it comes out. Less mess overall means these pups would probably help officers keep their crime scenes cleaner.

If you’re a poodle-owner, consider picking up this ingenious LUKACY Dematting Comb to keep your house clean enough for a CSI episode. You can find out more when you click here

Final Thoughts

Poodles may not see their share of the police action here in the states, but they’d be outstanding police dogs given a chance. You won’t find a dog as fluffy, sweet, trainable, and smart anywhere. Plus, you can train them to do a whole lot of tricks other than police investigation.

Japan and Wales may be on to something with their Poodle police. While they may be a posh looking breed, there’s a lot more behind those fuzzy faces than meets the eye. Hopefully, the US will look into adding more of these incredible dogs to the force soon.

It’s almost a crime that Poodles aren’t officers more often. They certainly have the chops for the job.

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